Friday, February 28, 2020

Obesity in Kuwait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Obesity in Kuwait - Essay Example It has hugely educated the public on the importance of eating habits credibility. In regard to making efforts to increase awareness about obesity, several organizations have been developed in the country. These organizations have trained and sensitized people on how to lead lifestyles which are healthy. Kuwait has been ranked second in obesity just behind United States of America. This is according to a recent study by the Imperial College London, Harvard University together with the World Health Organization. Various reasons for obesity problems in Kuwait have been brought about. Many people in Kuwait do not perform physical workouts and they eat junk foods which contain excess fats and calories. They have been able to spend any amount of money for tasty foods since they earn high incomes. Therefore this gives out a direct relationship with the problems of obesity in Kuwait. The higher the income, leads to the higher chances of being infected by obesity. This is the situation in Kuwait. Energy intake among the Kuwaitis is extremely more than what is actually required for a person according to Zaghloul’s study. This has been seen to be very much higher than the estimated requirements of energy for almost half of Kuwait children and one-third of adults. There has been an estimation of energy requirements that is exceeded by 78% -100% of the recommendations for protein and carbohydrates in respect to Kuwait situation. Majority of the energy drinks and foods contain excessive fat and sugar content which in turn bring about a problem of obesity in a human being’s body. People, who earn high incomes in Kuwait, buy these foods and drinks items which are expensive and contain excess fats and calories. Among Kuwaitis, high income earners have been infected by obesity. Globalization has also led to an increase of obesity cases among the Kuwaitis. This is simply because, many people’s life styles

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Christian Tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Christian Tradition - Essay Example The New Testament Christians also believe that they descended from the old Testament prophets and cannot deviate from such a believe in one true God since it worked well with their ancestors who were favored by God over other surrounding nations. There is also a belief that God will accept all who will come to believe in Him and renounce all other gods they have been worshiping (Grenz 75). Just like the Old Testament Christians, the modern Christians also believe that the Invisible God has revealed himself to us through Jesus Christ. They believe that Jesus is the messiah or the savior who is God’s own son and divine in nature (Harris 40). The bible in the gospel of John chapter 3 and verse 16 refers Jesus as God’s only begotten son who He gave to come and die for the forgiveness of sins of many. The New Testament Christians believe that Jesus died and resurrected to redeem us from our sins and this is for all who will believe in Him (Bible 823). Jesus is therefore the pillar of Modern Christians because their faith is totally based on Him. He is believed to be the Head of the church and the King of all creation hence Christians have to confess that Jesus is Lord to receive the salvation that comes from Him. Jesus is believed to have the divine nature in Him and He himself is God. In the gospel of John chapter 17 and verse 21, Jesus calls Himself the Son and God the Father to bring a distinction in His form. However, He declares that He the Son and God the Father are one (Bible 840). The New Testament Christians also believe that there is the indwelling spirit who guides them in their daily walk with God. Before Jesus left this world to go and be with the father, He promised to leave His disciples a helper and that is the Holy Spirit. In the gospel of John chapter 14 verses 16 and 26, Jesus declares the Holy Spirit coming from the Father and coming to represent Him in the world and